Guest Expert - Gemma Ganadin


Hi everyone, welcome to The Get Crystallized show. I am so happy that you have made the time to join me today because I have a fabulous guest with me here today. now before I introduce her, who I’m super excited to chat with for those of you who are new to ladies get fit. I want to say welcome to this amazing community and the get crystallized show is all about how to renew refresh, restore your mind, body, and spirit because like diamonds, you know, are made under pressure, so are strong women and so today we are going to be talking about how to overcome stress and overwhelmed.

It's been almost 19 months since this pandemic and I know that there's a lot of moms out there who had to put on the teacher hat and still the mom hat and the employer hat and the employee had so many hats and I understand that there is also some feelings of stress um now that some places lockdown is being lifted and we're slowly transitioning back and things are slowly opening up.

There is anxiety as well because what does the new normal look like? some of our women, they have voiced to me that they're afraid of the big crowds, you know they're afraid of going back to the office, so there are now kind of this, this anxiety, stress and overwhelmed is evolving from being locked down to now the lockdown lifting and being free again.

So um let me first introduce my beautiful guest gemma. her experience works ranges from working in fashion, the corporate world, and local government and her initial coaching started as confidence image and style coaching and she developed a beautiful program called the charismatic confidence creator, to show people how they can create a strong presence through positive mental attitude and utilizing the power of their mind to unleash their potential and discover their passion.

I love that. so, so much gemma, so welcome to the get crystallize show and all of you who are watching now. if you can click the stream yard link that way we can see your profile and your name because I see a whole bunch of Facebook users and I would like, we would love to say hello and call you by your name. so if you can click that stream your link up above.

So moving forward as you speak, we know who we're speaking to. so welcome to all of you who are here live and for those of you who watch the replay, make sure you put hashtag replay and any questions that may come up whether you're here or later on.

I will invite gemma to take a look. we'll have this interview up for quite some time and she'll take a quick peek and if you have any questions, whether it be today or if you watch the replay tag her and I’m sure she'd be happy to answer your questions.

So without further ado, gemma, please share your words of wisdom with the pandemic slowly lifting. how do we deal with this new stress overwhelmed and anxiety?

Yes. Welcome, I’ve everyone. thank you so much. crystal. that's crystallized. I love that name. amazing. and comparing about the diamond as women, wow, what can I say?

So yes. well, my background, you've said it, and yeah. yes. what is the new norm? what is the new norm for us? for all of us?

It's the unknown. but we, what we have are being able to take control of our health of our own, you know, or foods what we eat, where we go.

I've noticed that I’m in the UK and the I think the infection is increasing again. oh, so that is bad news and I’ve noticed that when you go to the shop, people are not wearing masks anymore and that is sad because if you do that, what's going to happen, we're going to be in lockdown again and we don't want that.

I know it's scary to think about the new norm and whatever that would look like for all of us, it's different. I know, but it's taking care of yourself.

What have you got control is about you, your family and then if you can share any tips, how you do that, you know to others, to your friends, to your circles and sharing that is also going to be beneficial.

The first thing is, mindset, your mindset is so so important, mindset is so powerful that we before I didn't know how powerful it is and for example, I used to think, oh I’m not good enough, who's going to listen to me and all those fears like flooding to me and it was consuming me and as a result of that, what was I getting?

I was attracting problems. I was attracting continuous challenges that that that was could be financial relationship or jobs or opportunities not coming to me, but when I figured that I didn't figure it out, what I got to know how powerful our mindset is and it's just it's not just about developing or getting a better job or starting a business, its life is about improving every aspect of your life.

When you become conscious of the thoughts you entertain, it's amazing that results will be different. results will be positive.

Results will be joyful, abundant, more opportunities coming to you. it sounds like a cliche and sometimes it sounds like wishy-washy stuff.

But it does work if you read any books about positive thinking. the first book that I read was who said the silver? oh my god. I can't even remember.

But it's about he is about positive thinking and he was experimenting with his children. about you know there's so many times that I can't even say about thinking on the top of my head now. but I was focused on healing myself rather than taking going to the doctor and taking medicine.

Yes. taking drugs or taking antidepressants in the long term. in the long run, this is bad for you. but when you discover how your conscious mind works and how your subconscious mind works because habits when you do one thing repeatedly, it gets registered in the deepest section of your subconscious mind after a result of that.

Whether the thoughts that you have entertained repeated in your mind consciously and repeatedly, that is what you're going to get. another example was I used to be married to someone else and my self-image, my confidence was terrible and still repeating in my head that this guy is going to have an affair.

I'm getting a bit out in there and I was repeating that every time. and I was, you know, I was fearful of it.

And guess what it happened. yes, it happened. and I didn't know that I attracted it. yes, I was blaming him. but you know what?

It's also my fault because I wasn't showing up, mm-hmm. why I should be. yes. so with this a new norm that we have, if you're going to focus on the negatives, about what this covid brought to us, guess what you're gonna get this pressed, you're going to get stressed.

But if you look at the positive, there are so many positives about this. you know, working from home especially we will never allow that much to work from home before, you know, and spending some time with your family.

I'm sure it was difficult for you initially. but I discovered that actually, we get along really well. you know, we have challenges.

We had arguments in the beginning, but then I said, I’m going to work this out, I’m going to make it work for me. so if you go, if you want to work for you for anything to work for you say that I want to share something with you gemma that some of my lady's yesterday, we had our mindset coaching call and one of the things that they said, which was positive that had it not been for this pandemic.

So they had said you know what now I I am okay with staying home and not having to feel obliged to do to go out and do all these social things, whether it's social gatherings or you know, she's like I’ve realized it's okay to say no yes and that they would have never you know, pre covid they felt obliged to go to all of the family functions, the work functions, all the social functions and they felt obligated. but they said no, you know what this pandemic has taught me to say, taught me to be okay with saying no, that is beautiful.

You're right um saying no is not a bad thing, no. yes, yes, no, it's ok. as long that you mean that word, they've got to respect that because they might not understand. I’ve said no. a lot of the people now that invited me to go out actually, I’m okay with it too.

I don't feel bad about it because when you feel obligated, uh what is the energy that's coming up to you? when you're obligated, you're feeling like it feels like you're being forced.

So it's not great. it's negative energy in fact, but if you have a choice, if you get to have a choice and you can say yes or no, it's better and going there, you'll be more present with your meeting.

Yes. rather than kind of avoiding people. yes. so it's so you'll be more open to conversation for connection, you know, whatever it is, you know that you want to do when you know when you meet those people again, this normal, whatever normal we're facing now like traveling, we're not able to just travel anywhere. now. that was such a, you know, we're so spoiled.

We were able to travel anywhere and eat and mixed with so many people and you're right. even when I’m walking on the road now, I always, I still avoid people.

Yeah, most of the other side and or I won't breathe if I didn't have my mask, I won't bring them like I’m gossiping when I get to pass them and it's crazy. but you have a choice to take care of yourself.

You have to take care of yourself first because there's no way you can take care of anyone, even your family if you alone can't take care of yourself.

Yeah. well that, you know, crystal is here to help you with your fitness. she's a session where, you know, um, there's cooking food, you know, amazing healthy foods as well.

So as long that you're in the right environment, as long as you're in the right frame of mind, as long as you know what you want, knowing what you want is very, very important.

Whether that be a relationship, whether that be giving fair, whether that be, you know, your career or you know, your finances, knowing what you want is very, very important. so knowing what you want to achieve when, you know, when you're in a state of anxiety, stress depression, that is all negative energy.

Yes. as you stay on that side of the polarity, which is the law opposite, you know, there's a positive and a negative.

If you stay in that state, guess what? it's going to happen to you, you're gonna get ill. so when you have an awareness and you recognize that you are you know getting consumed with all these negatives and you're listening to all these negative news.

Yes. be conscious and stay out of it. yes. do a breather pause and say why am I listening to this? turn off the news? yeah, I hardly listen to the news.

I don't read any newspapers. it's not good for me, it's all for us. so they want you to read or hear what they want you to eat and be fearful.

Yes. right. yes. exactly. exactly, tactic yeah. so you know it's up to you whatever you want to do, you have a choice.

Yes. would you like to feel anxious every time? feeling depressed every time? no. what can you do instead they struck yourself do something, create a better habit, what can you change? or for example if you, you know I haven't done any meditation, start meditating, how do you know what and exercises because it helps you a lot when you you're doing some kind of exercise is how every strength as it is.

Yeah or light it is built better. the feel-good factor shows up and you feel more energetic, you feel more alive. so find the things that you find interesting, find the things that will help you feel joyful. yes.

One thing that I want to point out, gemma that you know you mentioned your history with your ex and you're thinking oh he's gonna cheat. I mean what I mean?

And even if we take a look at that type of mindset, negative mindset such as I am unworthy and that's your state of mind. you're going to, you're telling your unconscious like okay well I’m going to do things to make that happen to, to prove it, that I’m right now.

I'm supposed to, like you said, when you shift your mindset and you're like, you know what, I’m going to show up fully because you admitted I didn't show up fully. I was thinking the opposite.

But when you, but when, if it's your health, for example, you know what, I don't want to feel anxious, I don't want to feel stressed and I’m going to choose the things that are going to help me de-stress as you said, movement, whether it be going for a walk, whether meditation, it's even just the very simple awareness that you have a choice because I feel like some people are just so stuck.

They think that they don't have a choice. uh no, they're stuck in this stress-filled, anxiety-filled, I’m not worthy overwhelmed state.

They, they either don't recognize but that is a choice. it is a choice. we all have a choice. well, you have the power to choose whatever you want to think to act like.

And you know this is free. mm-hmm. it's free. and you have been given the talent the mind. you know that you've got power there but you're not utilizing it when you recognize the power of the mind. like for example if these athletes, oh you know he's very strong, very powerful.

But you know what? they started working there. they started visualizing themselves and as they visualize themselves. their body started dollar.

Yes. your body is you know your action is the manifestation of your mind and the result that you get is the manifestation of your mind. so please be mindful of how you know what thoughts you entertain.

Even the simplest thing like you know when you say oh my children are listening, my children are listening. you keep saying that my goodness your children will not listen.

Yeah, but when you sell my children are getting better than for full the responsible you know and they're you know they're successful and you know they're getting better and better every day and say to myself, I am getting better and better every day.

I'm not an expert in everything. and do you know what when I don't know I will open my mouth and us? yes. it used to be an issue. I used to feel embarrassed because I thought oh they think I’m stupid.

But you know what? it's not we don't know everything. that's right, we don't know everything. and there are so many people out there who will help you.

And crystal is here. she's such an inspiration. she's so powerful and she's doing all of this for you. yeah, utilize her, get in touch with her if there's anything that you need. you know she's got all the elements that she's teaching for you, not just healthy and fit and strong physically, but in here as well.

And the food's again eating the right foods that will help you feel better. so many foods that will help you, you know you know uh so you don't get stressed.

So buddy, fast foods and everything, they're not good for your body and it doesn't help you with your mind. yeah, and at r3 we have two definitions of food.

Food is either fueling you or draining you. yeah and that's again it goes back to your choice. yeah. right. that's again and you know, when we think about that choice, one of the things that we practice when you're talking about mindfulness, which I appreciate. I did some coaching yesterday with my girls and we're studying from Brendon Burchard and he was talking about transitions.

So in other words, for example, before this interview, there's I was getting ready, I was looking over my notes, right? so from looking over my notes to getting onto this interview with you, there was a transition after here.

After this, I’m going to go into a work call on zoom and so there's another transition and the purpose of creating awareness around these transitions is how do I want to show up? there's a little window there.

So before this interview, I said I want this to be an amazing interview. I want to come here with a positive attitude and with love and gratitude for this beautiful woman who's going to share her knowledge and that's what you bring to the table.

But if you're going into an interview, if you're going to, you know, even before your workout with a bad attitude like this sucks. I hate this.

That's gonna bring to the table. yes, exactly. so it's your information dies. what is your intention with everything you do give it your 100% intention outcome. would you like to get from this and crystal? and that's why she attracted me here because you know, this is again this is one of the blessings of covid.

Yes. you know, we get to collaborate network with so many people around the world now, I’ve met amazing, very generous people.

All you get to do is be bold, reach out, and us. that's right. I ask all the goods needs. no, no, it's okay.

Mhm. take it personally. I will not take it personally. again, I mentioned the other interview that we had is feedback issues. do not ever take it personally. because we do.

We do. we do. and we were not taught to you know, accept it or receive it as a neutral event. it's all neutral. so if you're feeling stressed, it's okay, acknowledge it.

And then what are you going to do about it? yes. what are you going to do about it? okay. I’ve acknowledged this emotion now. what am I going to do about it? don't stay there.

Don't get whatever you do. do not get stuck in the negativity because you will get ill. hmm. you will get ill and it will be harder for you to overcome that.

Those emotions, those negativities because it's destructive. these are destructive emotions we're supposed to we're living here to create nothing. great. mm, that's good.

We're here to create not disintegrate. that's good. yes. so good. so I’ve got goosebumps. just saying that we are eight.

So what are you creating for your life, for your health, with your family? for your relationship for yourself? you know, gemma that I mean considering what we've been through the for the past 18, 19 months, um, you know, you think about, yeah, like what are the blessings in this? so many blessings? and if you have that attitude and learnings and lessons going into as things are opening up.

You learned a lot about yourself. you learned about patience. you learned how to communicate better. hopefully with your loved ones. you know how how to value. we took things for granted. back then.

We did. we were so busy. we were so busy. now. hopefully, we've learned how to just be still, yeah, be present and be present.

Just be in that moment. don't be all over the place. focus is very important. yes. like now crystal and I are, you know, presenting this to you, sharing with all this information that we have, we are being present.

We're just here and then we get when we finish this to the next one segment is be present in that again. yes, you'll be amazed how much, your performance, your productivity, your connection.

Hmm, it's more powerful. you know, when you think about, you know, anxiety and overwhelm and worry and stress a lot of the time, it's things that haven’t even happened.

We're just, we worship you and it's not even present. yeah, exactly. it's human nature. it's human nature to worry about the future because we're like, oh, you know, we're sending our children, for example, I’m using children because I have children, we were sending children so they can have a better future and then we forget that, okay, they're here.

Let's get to know them, let's guide them, and support them to be the best version of themselves while they're here. that's right.

Because we don't know what's going to happen in the future. that's right. as long as we are present here and we're focusing here and we're giving it our all yes, come will be of course phenomenal.

Yes, nominal. and do not support your children to do the things that you know, you wanted to do because you are you they are then you make human beings, yes, do not whatever you do, do not uh blood so much about being conscious parents as well.

And I used to want my kids to do this, do that. and then I realized, I thought, oh my god, because they feel that they said, mommy, we didn't want to go to performing arts, performing arts, mommy, we didn't want to do this. and I said, well, at least you try.

I'm sorry, would you forgive me? I yeah, I said, I said, I’m sorry. it's something that I didn't do or have the opportunity to do when I was a kid and I thought you might want to do it.

I was doing it for myself because I was not destroying myself. you were vicariously living through them. I was. and then it's okay, mommy, it's okay.

You know, at least you didn't force us to go back. I respect your wishes. if you want to focus on this, let's focus on this better with so and it's the same thing again, stress anxiety, worry, they're all negative energy.

There is all destructive energy. and the only way that you're going to get out from it is to recognize the patterns. what patterns what you know when you get stressed, what's coming up for you?

Yeah. what was the trigger? that's right. what trigger did happen or happening around you? what are you feeling stress while you're feeling low?

Get moving, walk, meditate. call someone who is positive. yes. or listen to, you know, very fast music, music, dance.

Really? if you want to yes, you have a choice. again. you get to choose what state of mind, what results you're going to get. and if you choose the negative. I’m sorry. that is I can't stress enough. you've got to change that.

You've got to be aware of it. yeah, he said we're here to create not to decide exactly. you are a powerful creative being. you are unique.

You are perfect. you are we are perfectly imperfect. yes. perfect. right. it's okay. it's okay.

It's okay. that's right. is there anything else? crystal I’m missing. I think you've summed it up right there from discovering what is the trigger?

Open up and create awareness around the patterns recognized that you have a choice. yes. be present. and new things that de-stress such as move, walk, dance, sing screen the top of your lungs.

Right? and not worry about the future because a lot of those negative energies, it's because we're worried about something that hasn't even happened yet. exactly. and so if we are present and one of the underlying things is to approach things with this attitude of gratitude and blessings.

Yes, you will then know how to overcome any stress. any overwhelm any worries. any worries and you can save yourself. it's okay. yeah, it's okay. I’m okay.

I'm okay. I’m okay. and you again choose, you know, and whatever comes up with you have the awareness to be able to shift.

Yes. a really simple statement that I like is I choose peace rather than this. oh gosh, yes. yes. yeah. he's rather than just kind of am I am, I am amazing that powerful.

I am okay. I’m okay. I’m okay. yes, because we are, we're the only ones that are making our lives difficult.

Yes. you are your worst enemy. that's true. not not your circumstances, not you, not your finances. you. yes.

Yes. amazing. so powerful. I want to say thank you so much. please show some love in the comments. it's been such an honor and a privilege to speak with you and to share. and I  hope all of you ladies who are here present and we'll watch the rebroadcast you found powerful nuggets in here.

To hopefully reset you know where you are and press that you are ok, you are quickly in perfect. and we're here to create, not disintegrate such good, powerful nuggets.

And I hope that gives you all a breath of fresh air confidence and a sense of empowerment. it's completely up to you. it's your choice.

And so I want to honor gemma. thank you so much, girls. and I will add the link to your Facebook group, I’ll add that in the copy. so, if you want to pop in over there, she you know, gives nuggets of wisdom in her group, I will add that link up above and you're more than welcome to click on that. so once again, thank you so much my gemma for your knowledge, for your heart, and for sharing your personal experiences.

We honor you love you so much and I can't like this is a blessing. like when I look at that, this was a blessing. so thank you for blessing me and I’m so, so grateful, you know, being grateful.

Having that gratitude daily is so important. yeah, so thank you for being, you know for being here. thank you for listening to me and thank you, Cristo.

Such a privilege to be part of your group. thank you. it's it's it's reciprocated. thank you so much. have a wonderful day, everyone, good night or good evening wherever you are from. and we will see you next week at the get crystallized show. have a great day, everybody, bye bye-bye.

Take it.


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