When attempting to lose weight, having a personal trainer may have a huge impact on how successful you are. Having somebody by your side to encourage you and keep you accountable may be the difference between success and failure. Although, a trainer may be important, not everyone may have the capability to hire one, whether it be a scheduling issue or a distance issue, it just doesn’t work. It is this reasoning exactly that has sparked the creation of online sport training. It surpasses the requirements of geographic and timely scheduled convince, as its users may access it on demand, where they want, when they want. This new extension to the health and wellness industry will benefit significantly on the already 3.7 trillion-dollar industry. Michael Krouse, C.E.O. of InhomeSports says, “InhomeSports is one app capitalizing on this trend, offering live, two-way video conferencing at the push of a button, connecting students and instructors anywhere at any time”. However, many are unconvinced, questioning the connection trainers can make through a screen, in order to encourage and support trainees effectively. Nevertheless, the remote format is something that requires time and getting used to.
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